The Nurse shark
The Nurse shark is sometimes called the « Nebrius ferrugineus » or the ma’o rohoi in the Tahitian language. It measures up to 10,5ft and weighs around 220lbs at adulthood. The Nurse shark often lives on the sandy sea bottoms. This sedentary shark lives quietly as deep as 230ft.
It has a massive and flat body, grey brown color on the back and a white color on the belly side. One of its main characteristic is its ability to slightly change its body color depending to the surrounding environment without even having the chameleon’s capability of camouflage. The Nurse shark possesses many characteristics enabling us to better identify this species. It possesses 2 almost identical dorsal fins. It also has a large tail and a muzzle with a pair of sensory feelers called ‘barbels’ like that of a catfish. These barbels are comparable to a moustache and offer a well-developed sense of smell.

The nurse shark
Sometimes called the « Nebrius ferrugineus » or the ma’o rohoi in the Tahitian language.
“ Nowadays, the Nurse shark is considered as a vulnerable species. Indeed, it is confronted with a real risk of extinction. ”